20 - 21% of the Israeli population is Arab, true, but they are not Jewish. Most are Muslim, some Christian & Druze. They are descendants of the 150,000 or so Arabs inside the borders of Israel after the '48 war. While they have Israeli citizenship they were subject to martial law until 1966, requiring permits to travel, restrictions where they could work & live. Zionist thought hadn't really considered how to integrate Arab Palestinians into Israeli society. While there's no de jure apartheid at play, they tend to have a lower standard of living than Jewish Israelis on the average.
Zionists settlers did buy land during the Aliyahs, but the owners were often far off Effendis in Turkey. The settlers, many of whom were socialist, took over land Palestinian fellahin had worked for generations, bringing their own compatriots in to work it & displacing the Arabs. The Jews didn't do anything wrong here, but it's only natural the Arabs resented being displaced.
They also took swamp land & desert converting them into arable farmland. But again, for their benefit, not the Arabs.
I believe this was necessary & correct. We see what happens when Jews live as immigrants & strangers in other lands. That's why Great Britain's post-war betrayal of the Balfour Declaration must have been so painful. Labor foreign secretary Bevin proposed Jews just return to Poland, the Ukraine, Lithuania, etc. Really!
That's why I'm a Zionist. But I don't pretend it didn't come at a cost to others. The best approach, if it's not too late, is to foster a genuine, autonomous sovereign Palestinian state in Gaza & the West Bank.
Palestine, in spite of a small, continuous Jewish (& Christian) presence had been theirs (Irgun founder Ze-ev Jabotinsky, recognized this). But it was poor. Life was difficult. Offer security & prosperity & in time they might come to accept it.