Absolutely some major outrages here! My reaction: mixed. E.g. I don't love Citizen Kane as much as some because in spite of its brilliant, ground-breaking rendition, I don't think I care about Kane that much. Still ... Gigi?!? No way.
2001:... Why does Kubrick include so many boring, irrelevant scenes? E.g. the Soviets are interested in the moon monolith, and....? When I first saw it I thought it was an extended ad for Tomorrowland. But yes, also some great moments.
Definitely agree re The Searchers. Vertigo as well ... Academy had a thing against Hitchcock, I reckon.
And yeah, The Exorcist never had a chance. Not only horror, but controversial as well.
The Truman Show is one of my all time favorite movies. It's Descartes's Meditations On The First Philosophy in movie form, & also a wonderful message: We can believe in & love God but still go our own way. Still, I also love Shakespeare In Love. It's just a lot of fun, inventive, silly, but great performances & cool ideas. Didn't it also beat out Saving Private Ryan? Maybe it was that year's dark horse.
Apocalypse Now! (original version), also too controversial. Hard to believe The Deer Hunter won a year or so prior, but not Coppola's masterpiece. I think he damaged it with Redux. It's almost as though the added scenes are put in because they were so damned much trouble to film in the first place. One aspect I can't get past is Kurtz fat. No. Just no. Better to have him not in the film at all ... always a step or two ahead of Willard, or not even real, just a legend (but I know Coppola needed Brando in the film for the sake of box office & his investors). Still, a more powerful film is hard to imagine.
And yeah, Double Indemnity ... it doesn't get better than that. Did George Raft really ask "When does he [Neff] show the buzzer?" LOL!