As an old(er) white man I have indulged this & similar thought experiments in the past. Problem is that one line of thinking quickly leads to another. Okay, we have men potentially legislating control over women's fertility. That's wrong on multiple levels. For anyone aside from the individual. And therein lies the rub: Suppose an all-women legislature composed of conservative Christians & Earth-mother feminists decide life does begin at conception & bans both abortion & the morning-after pill.
Is anyone better off?
Whenever I see activists proclaim that people lacking a uterus (uteri?) keep their hands off the bodies of those that do possess them, I wonder: Why stop there?
Why keep the door open just a tiny crack by implying that women legislating other women's bodies might be okay?
And that leads to the realization that people generally legislate not for themselves but for other people, most of whom lead lives they can't or wouldn't dare to imagine.
Please don't get me wrong here, I do get your point. I'm not gender-blind anymore than I'm color-blind. There are doubtless many who would benefit from the thought experiment you propose. But many who also realize it doesn't stop there.