Great piece. There are, of course, times when an armed bystander can prevent a greater tragedy. Unfortunately many people don't seem to realize that not all situations are alike. E.g., I recall insistence that armed theatergoers would have prevented the mass shooting in the Aurora Theater a few years ago. A proposition too ridiculous to entertain.
Then there's John Hurley. Hurley carried legally in Arvada, CO. When a gunman ambushed & murdered a cop, Hurley gunned him down, perhaps saving many lives. But when the police arrived on the scene, they gunned Hurley down in turn. Oh well, at least he died a hero. Hard to believe that won't become common place as more states adopt loose carry regs.
And finally, so many people with opinions don't realize how difficult it is to shoot accurately. Especially under stress. Of course other bystanders, victims & even cops are going to get during "good guy with a gun" interventions. Police do it, after all. Through civilians into the mix & it only gets worse.