Here we are, with still further details. Although I'm not deeply concerned with the Farrow/Allen mishegos, I did write a piece for Medium three years ago, after Ronan & Dylan jumped aboard the me/too wagon. I honestly believe(d) that the verity of her accusations notwithstanding she really doesn't belong in the me/too movement. Those allegations are typically made by numerous people, or were verified by the subjects (e.g. admitting transgressive behavior). I also believe calling out individuals such as Diane Keaton or Scarlett Johansson is a bit bullying. Dylan & Ronan portray themselves as speaking truth to power, but really, aren't they they power at present?
For all of that, I didn't know about Dylan's uncle. In the several articles & essays I read his name & record were never mentioned. Which seems like an outrageous omission under the circumstances.
Thanks for this.