I don't know if you're familiar with Dr William Lewinsky but he's a self-styled "use of force" expert who has written numerous articles (none peer reviewed, however) & testified in many police trials & inquests. He obtained prominence with an article in POLICE entitled "Why Is The Suspect Shot in the Back?
Not surprisingly Lewinsky goes to great lengths to justify even the most dubious of shootings. He argues that suspects can draw & fire even a well-hidden firearm before even the most alert officer can respond. The phrase he touts is "If you wait to see the gun, you're already dead!"
He's also advocated for "cooling off" periods to allow cops not to have to testify for 48 - 72 hours post-incident, & promoted "situational inattention" to explain why officers' statesments vary with recorded evidence.
In short, the guy's hugely popular with police publications & lawyers who represent cops. When the LA DA decided they didn't feel like prosecuting Tarriel Hopper for the killing of actor Anthony Dwain Lee, they had a phone conversation with Lewinsky, described the incident to him & he said, Sure, not Hooper's fault at all. You're off the hook.
Now that the recent spate of tragic police killings have renewed the perception of a "war on cops" I've no doubt he'll be busier than ever.