I'm a Zionist, & I quite agree with Alhakk regarding how Jews flourished under Islamic rule vs. Christian rule. The main reason, as I understand it, is that under the former Jews, as people of the Book, were, like Christians, tolerated, yes, but not treated as equals or anything close to that. There is no mention here of dhimmitude, which was by western standards clearly a state of subjugation & second-class status. Was it universal in the Islamic world? I'm honestly not certain.
That being said, however, I think the issue right wing Zionists & religious Zionists have is that Jews have overtaken formerly Islamic lands, & that, they argue, must be corrected. In creating Israel in what was Palestine, Jews forgot their place.
My own opinion, however, is that religion is less of an issue than nationalism. Radical Zionists assumed the Palestinians would just go away. Be absorbed into other Arab lands. And, to an extent, the Palestinians offered evidence of this when mass immigration of Arabs (as well as Jews) during the Mandate period, nearly doubling the Arab population of Palestine, became universally indigenous. Any Arab in Palestine by 1948 was regarded as an indigene, while any Jew was regarded as a settler.
There's a lot more to this, obviously, than can be written in single reply. But if any of the above is a lie or untrue I would happily (well, not happily) be corrected.