I'm not sure what you mean by this "Zionism" vs. "error of their ways". If this suggests that Israel as a Jewish state (note the use of indefinite article) is not legitimate & should be in some way decolonized to a majority Palestinian nation & thus become yet another Arab country in the ME, then no, I'm certainly not there.
It can certainly be argued that taking another's land is wrong & that this is what the Zionists have done, UN partition notwithstanding, but being murdered is even more wrong.
"Whatever will we do with one millions Jews, old sport?" Is what envoy Joel Brand was asked by a high British official while in British custody after being sent on a mission by SS officials to negotiate a trade for Jewish lives in exchange for trucks or other goods. The proposal was nonsense, but just negotiating might have saved countless lives as the Red Army was closing on Hungary right then.
But, no. Better they die than embarrass Allied officials with the burden of their custody.
So, I remain a Zionist. Perhaps at the very basic level, recognizing that the Palestinians had every right & reason to oppose partition, that none of Israel's proposals for autonomy in the West Bank or Gaza were realistic, that no Israeli government has ever dealt squarely with the Palestinians. Because what is the alternative here? A unitary state with an Arab majority? Jews, save for an ultra-devout minority, have no reason to live there. So we continue our dispersal waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Israeli hasbara is very cynical, yes. But is it any less cynical than Hamas's 7 Oct attack, knowing as they must what Netanyahu's response would be? It has succeeded, brilliantly, but at what cost? Fewer people call themselves Zionists, while Israel remains a nuclear power, & even if the US were somehow levered away from its unconditional support of Israel there are other superpowers she can ally with.