I'm sorry, a pedophile? Based on his marriage? Soon-Yi Previn was never Allen's daughter in any sense of the word. She is his ex-girlfriend's adopted daughter. Allen was never in any respect a father figure to Soon-Yi. They came together after Mia suggested he spend time with her during her late teens. Even Allen's vociferous critics admit they didn't become romantically involved until she was an adult.
Like Mr. Garza, I don't know what, if anything, happened between Allen & Dylan Farrow.
And you're right, he had other avenues of publication, including self-publishing. As it happened, Arcade Publishing wound up putting the book out.
"You have decided that Allen’s speech is more valuable than the speech of these employees whose names will be forever attached to Allen’s life of pedophilia"
As a general rule, it's preferable to favor an expression than acquiesce to censoring that expression. Within reason. This wasn't Jeffrey Epstein's posthumous rationale, or Harvey Weinstein's "Hey, They All Consented!"
Whatever happened between Allen & Dylan, Allen has had no "life of pedophilia".