Just because a thing is "mean" doesn't make it false. I certainly agree, however, that genocide has been overused of late, stripping it of meaning. E.g. the UN definition of genocide states that cultural destruction or dispersion do not constitute genocide.
Of course, atrocities short of genocide are still atrocities &/or war crimes. That being said, I really don't know what's going on in Gaza. The killing of those food aid workers, along with its pretext, suggest we take the likelihood of IDF perpetrated atrocities seriously. At the same, statistician Abraham Wyner suggests the numbers presented by Hamas-run services are not realistic. E.g. for one thing they've risen in a steady, predictable, day-by-day fashion, which, he argues never happens in war.
That being said, I largely agree with you here. But I also believe Israel is out of control. Bombing the Iranian consulate will produce no good outcome for either it or the US. I think Bibi intends to escalate, draw us in deeper & that should give us all pause.