Of course the shootings happened. I looked them up myself. But did you not follow that list of names with: "The idea that unarmed black people are being killed..."
So, no. Whether they would have been treated the same as whites in a similar situation is a question, but it's not the one you posed. You strongly implied that they were all unarmed black men &/or women. Many were. But not all of the ones on your list. Comparing say Breonna Taylor with Ward or Ruffin is not only an injustice to her memory, it damages the credibility of BLM & its supporters.
Sorry. The accusation stands.
Incidentally, as an American I agree the US isn't the greatest country on Earth. Probably never was. Still, have to ask, who appointed you spokesperson for indigineous, black & other admittedly discriminated against people of color? Do you believe having recited the Pledge has blinded us to the sins of the past? Because, I'm happy to assure you, it hasn't.
And, finally, is wherever you call home so free of original sin that you have to look abroad to point fingers?