Problem is everybody's right.
Why should Palestinian Arabs agree to share any part of the land they believe is theirs with Jewish interlopers? The AIPAC line is look how noble the Jews were to agree first to the Peel partition (which gave them only about 20%) & then the UN (far more generous) & how foolishly intransigent the Arabs were to reject both? But, as far as the latter were concerned it was all theft.
The Jews, meanwhile, suffered pogroms in Russia, antisemitism in the USSR & Poland, the Holocaust, then, the war over, Nazis defeated, Britain decides the Balfour Declaration didn't really mean that & Labor tells them just go back to your erstwhile homes, never mind those townsmen of yours who drove away or murdered survivors because they didn't want to return the properties they had taken. Or ... remain indefinitely in those DP camps we set up for you, some with former SS men in charge, just like the old days.
No. Only answer here is a sovereign state of your own. And all of the land, outside Antarctica is taken, so somebody's going to have to step aside.
So, who's wrong here?