Sorry, but I don't understand the above. "Western elites"? Where? Whom?
As for the rest: sure, it stands to reason that Hamas could indeed be trusted to the follow the line Likud has laid for them & provide the rationale for continuing the destabilization & eventual destruction of Gaza. Put a significant portion of the Palestinian people in a contiguous zone, create an easy target.
Likud's spiritual ancestor, Vladimir Jabotinsky, wrote that Jews could only create a homeland by displacing another people—Palestinian Arabs. The term "settler-colonialism" probably didn't exist then, but that was the process. No sense in pretending otherwise. Unfortunately Jabotinsky & his revisionist followers believed Jews required all of Eretz Yisroel. We don't. But Likud & the ultra-religious nutters that form its coalition evidently agree with Jabotinsky. They, like Hamas (or maybe not like Hamas, given its revised charter) are playing for the whole enchilada.