The issue I have with anti-Zionism is that it offers no feasible alternative to the Jewish people going forward. Continue to live as minority people in various countries. Face the possibility of future pogromistic violence, or, deadlier still, assimilation into the wider culture (& religions) of liberal democracies.
No doubt Israel is a settler-colonial enterprise. Zionist leaders such as Ze'ev Jabotinsky, spiritual father of Likud, viewed it thus & made no apology. Jabotinsky recognized that Arabs would never agree to the formation of a Jewish state in their midst, on their land. It must be taken. And if a Jewish state can't be formed in Palestine, then it can't be formed at all.
So it was. Breaking with Jabotinsky's revisionists over the necessity of inhabiting all of Eretz Yisroel, it seems as though the way forward is as obvious as it is unlikely: Offer true sovereignty in Gaza & the West Bank; create a Marshall Plan-like intervention to stimulate the economy; offer West Bank settlers one year to repatriate (with government assistance) or become Palestinian citizens with Palestinian passports—let them know Israel will intervene in the case of a pogrom, but otherwise they're on their own; compensate Palestinians for lands taken.
Simple, right?
Unlikely? Also....
Especially when Likud follows exactly the same strategy as Hamas: perpetual conflict.