Very interesting & well written. I've written four articles on the history of Zionism that I thought were well researched, but I learned a lot here.
Still... I think one aspect of Zionist history you missed was the degree to which liberal & humanist Zionists—i.e. those willing to accommodate Palestinian Arabs in the new state as equals—were radicalized by both the Holocaust, & even to greater degree, the Allies, on confronting a reality of mass slaughter greater than even the direst reports & rumors, essentially did nothing.
Britain continued its White Paper limitations on Jewish immigration & land sales in Palestine, while the US maintained its immigration quotas. When President Truman proposed the British allow 100,000 survivors into Palestine on humanitarian grounds, Whitehall told him to mind his own business.
As Walter Laqueur writes in his History of Zionism, liberal, humanist faith in justice & fairness was shattered. Radical (i.e. Revisionist) Zionism, which was unapologetically colonial & demanding of all Eretz Yisrael, & which had been confined largely to the margins of Zionist thinking, became mainstream.
Its imperatives have informed successive Israeli governments & continue to this day.