Well, just taking the post-war aspect, I think Lincoln would have supported & perhaps expanded Gen Sherman's order granting freed slaves 40 acre plots along the Georgia-Carolina coast (Pres Johnson rescinded it). Sherman & Secretary of War Stanton had met with a committee of freemen to learn what they would need to establish themselves. "Land & separation from whites (at least for the time being) is what they requested.
Lincoln, of course, had advocated colonization for freemen. A stance he's criticized for today (& then), but try to think of an example of an ethnically distinct people, held for centuries in chattal slavery, then freed & integrated into the society that enslaved them. Has it ever happened? Recall in Exodus the Israelites are in such a hurry to leave Egypt they don't wait for the bread to rise!
Lincoln's also criticized for offering to compensate slave-owners, but in this I think he was trying to jump start the southern economy. I think he would have handled reconstruction better, ensured freed blacks had better access to the ballot. But that's all speculation.
Incidentally, the authors of Punished With Poverty, who also wrote The South Was Right! are prime examples of how it isn't always the winners who write history. They're hardly unbiased sources.