Well written, but I think your central thesis, i.e. anti-Zionism = antisemitism, remains unproven.
While I believe the binational state idea is a non-starter because it demands Jews risk eventually becoming yet another minority, I don't think its proponents are necessarily antisemites. Just misinformed perhaps.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, & later David Ben-Gurion would have be perfectly comfortable with the label "setter-colonial" because they foresaw transfer of the majority of the Arab peoples then living there outside of the state's border. "There can be no voluntary agreement between us & the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future." Jabotinsky declared in the Iron Wall. Ben-Gurion wrote in letters & diary entries that Jewish acceptance of minority portions of Palestine was fine because Jews would eventually take over larger portions.
While not entirely admirable, I believe this was necessary, because while the Allies didn't abandon the Jews during WWII they certainly did after the war.
Clearly, we were on our own. And a state of our own was essentially to our long-term survival as a people & a religion.
I think this is what many anti-Zionists don't realize.