While I have been & remain a Zionist myself, I think we we Zionists must acknowledge the flaws in the founding narratives—e.g, Arab Israelis having full rights when they lived under martial law for the first two decades of the state; Arabs made refugees by war, yes, but also by Haganah/IDF policy of driving some out. Oslo was a delaying process; Barak's offer to Arafat (that "91%/93%97%" of everything) that he rejected was still not an offer he could have accepted. We've had successive governments allow settlement building on the West Bank & the Gaza evacuation was meaningless w/o true autonomy, which Gaza never had.
Zionism has been hijacked by a kind of resolute Israelism that persists in building its Iron Wall of defense against the Palestinian's equally resolute Iron Wall of resistance. Until Israeli governments start dealing honestly & squarely with Palestinian requirements no lasting peace will ever occur.