Yes, Hamas cynically used the bodies of the people it purports to champion to shift global opinion w/o their foreknowledge or consent. And in so doing they proved to be friends of a corrupt, authoritarian regime that had been losing support & its grip on power ... until 7 Oct.
I don't see a "cataclysmic shift" in US voter opinion because the 18 - 24 group doesn't vote. Their turn-out nationally in '22 was 23%. So, who cares?
That being said, Hamas might also be Donald Trump's best friend.
The IDF is out of control, to be sure. The killing of the Global Food Aid workers should convince any doubters. Unfortunately this isn't w/o precedent. Witness the US in Vietnam, or the USSR in Afghanistan, or even Great Britain during the Great Arab Revolt. Nations survive atrocities.
Elsewhere you pointed out that nations come & go. That's true, but also not true. Czechoslovakia is gone, but the people are still there. Same for Yugoslavia, even after their brutal civil war. USSR ... also. In the case of Israel it's not the nation you want gone, it's the people. Because they've experienced the consequences of that kind of thinking in the recent past they won't lose. They can't afford to. Should Israel somehow lose the support of the US she'll find another great power patron.
Unfortunately the proponents of Greater Israel who are currently in the drivers' seat haven't learned their own lessons from the past.