You mean a a shanda fur die goyim, lol!
You're not an antisemite, but you are a bit late. AIPAC & radical Zionists have been conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism for years now. Many love to cite MLK, Jr's alleged statement that anti-Zionism is often antisemitism (despite the inability of scholars to determine whether or not he actually did write that).
That's old news, however.
More to date is the historiographical movement to declare that, first, the Allies were indifferent to the Holocaust (somewhat true), that they stood by & did nothing to help (less true; they might have done more, but winning the war was the principal method of rescue), & more recently still: that they hoped the Nazis would succeed (ie "thin the herd") in wiping out the Jews of Europe before their inevitable defeat (utterly untrue).
This movement began with an essay by David Wyman about the vexing topic of should the Allies have bombed the railroad tracks to Auschwitz as urged. Chuchill was in favor of it, but Bomber Command flew only at night & could barely hit the right city, much less tracks. And the US Ninth Airforce declined for reasons of their own.
Wyman's essay led to a book, The Abandonment of the Jews, & the book led to a publishing house dedicated allegedly to Holocaust research, but focused in reality on Allied indifference.
Some time ago Netanyahu cited the Allies' refusal to bomb the railroad tracks in a speech refuting criticism of Israel (ie. we're on our own & always have been!).
In short, weaponizing weaponized antisemitism.