You surprise me. I would imagine you'd be in favor of, as you put it: "a power move to delegitimise structural white supremacy..."
I don't think Israel is an extension of US military power in the ME. Look at the history: When Israel joined France & the UK in seizing the Suez Canal, Ike forced them all to back down; LBJ had to use the hotline to calm the Soviets during the Six Day War, while Israeli air units destroyed a US intelligence ship, the Liberty; Nixon supplied Israel with a key airlift, true, but that cost him, & the US dearly when the OPEC states initiated an oil embargo in response; Israel played middleman during the Iran-Contra affair, & a US Marine barracks in Lebanon was bombed, killing more than 200; I don't believe for one moment that the 9/11 attack was really based on US support for Israel & lack of same for the Palestinians, as bin Laden later claimed, but many Americans do.
All in all, it's really hard to see how Israel serves US interests in the region. We'd be better off strategically without the tensions that erupt between Israel & the Palestinians.
That being said, what Arab nation actually supports Palestinian independence with anything more than rhetoric? What happened in the West Bank between '48 & '67 when Israel wasn't there? Jordan annexed the area, true, but why didn't Palestinians declare a state then? What about Gaza in the same period when Egypt controlled it? Wasn't the Mufti brought back & some kind of nominal Palestinian entity formed? But didn't last? What has Egypt done for Palestinians since then?
I sincerely wish Israel had never occupied Gaza or the West Bank. I realize it can never withdraw those settlers in the latter. Perhaps the only viable longterm solution would be to offer true sovereignty to Palestinians there & in Gaza & give settlers a year or so either to repatriate or accept becoming Palestinian citizens. As for Israel itself, it's not going anywhere. To speak of a "post-Zionist" Palestine from the river to the sea is fantasy.